Note: Download the latest Attention Live Mac App here:, copy the Attention application in your Applications folder, open it from there, and log in. Once you have set up your first talk tracks, the Attention app will automatically appear during your calls.


Add your Talktracks

To add your Talktracks, click on the Talktracks section of your page.


Click on the Add Tracktrack button.


Edit your new Talktracks

Once you’ve added a new Talktrack, Edit your TalkTrack title. This will be how you identify your Talktrack once you need them on your calls.


Edit your Talktrack items. Our AI will understand the context of the conversation, so you can flexibly indicate what you’d like your reps or yourself to talk about then. Hit Enter (Win) or Return (Mac), to create a new Talktrack item. You can add, edit, and remove as many Talktrack items from there.


To edit a Talktrack, simply click on the textbox and input your modifications. To delete a Talktrack, click on the trash icon next to the textbox.


When you’re done, don’t forget to click Save!

Edit or Delete your saved Talktracks

To edit a Talktrack, go to the main Talktracks page, and click on the text of your Talktrack.

To delete a Talktrack, go to the main Talktracks page, and click on the 3 dots next to your Talktrack, and hit the Delete button.